Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The "health care genie" can not be put back in the bottle

Hello Community, You are witnessing  history in the making.
For years, it was said, the health care system that we all have been subject to,
could not be changed. That "that is just the way it is!"
Are you enjoying being part of another myth buster!!!!!
The "is" can be changed!!!!
We are part of a monumental movement. Forget politics for a moment.
This is a social/economic event of epic portions.
Many will benefit from this new direction in health care.
The old way is becoming the historical note of the future when change is being

reported. When the question is asked "What significant event in 2012 occurred to

change the health care system that stood for 50 plus years?"
You are being given the answer today. You will be able to answer that question with


You can not put the "genie" back in the bottle!!!!

Visit Juniques Multi Cultural Connections  http://www.jusmcc.org

12 Jun 2012
Obamacare: Some GOP Governors Likely to Implement it if Supreme Court

Upholds Health Care Law
By MICHAEL ONO | ABC OTUS News – 11 hrs ago

The fate of Obamacare -- the health care law championed by the White House -- is

with the Supreme Court, which is expected to hand down a decision this month. If

-- and it's a big if -- the court rules fully in favor of the law and its requirement that

the government can require Americans to buy health insurance, it will put some

Republican governors in the uncomfortable position of working with the federal

government to implement a law they dislike.

Take Chris Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey.

Democrats in the New Jersey legislature can expect him to work with them on

implementing a state-regulated health insurance exchange, something is required

under the health care law.

Part of the law requires that individuals buy medical insurance by 2014, but when

they do, people and small businesses can purchase subsidized insurance through

state-regulated exchanges.

Christie vetoed a measure in New Jersey to create exchanges back in May, but

sounded grudgingly receptive to future action in his veto message to the state's

general assembly. As governor, he applied for and accepted $8 million in grants

from the Department of Health and Human Services to set up an exchange.

"While I am unwilling to approve the establishment of a statewide health insurance

exchange at this time, I am mindful that the requirements of the Affordable Care Act

still stand today and I intend to fully oversee New Jersey's compliance in a

responsible and cost-effective manner should its constitutionality ultimately be

upheld by the Supreme Court," said Christie in a letter to the New Jersey General


Christie, regarded as moderate on many issues, has established himself as a

Republican willing to fight the federal government. He has rejected federal money

on numerous occasions. Still, many Governors, like Christie, have accepted federal

grant money and are preparing to meet the 2014 deadline in the health care law.

"I don't think he's also going to stand as obstructionist for a law that has been

passed by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court," said Ben Dworkin, the

director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics at Rider University.

Still, conservative activists are watching to see what Christie and other governors

do. Some are concerned that governors will allow Obamacare provisions to pass at

the state level.

"I only hope that we can we can explain these different things to him and to

educate his staff on why it's economically beneficial not to implement this in New

Jersey," said Steve Lonegan, the New Jersey State Director at Americans for

Prosperity, a conservative group founded with support from David and Charles


Christie probably won't be alone among Republican governors, who may have to

scramble to implement the law if the Supreme Court lets it stand. If states don't

establish their own programs by 2014, the law allows the Federal Government to

intervene with its own health exchanges. Most states have applied for federal grant

money but only a few are close to implementation.

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, like Christie, and has vetoed legislation in her

state, citing the pending Supreme Court decision as a reason to delay. But

Martinez has also accepted federal grant money. New Mexico will receive $34

million from HHS to establish its insurance exchange.

"I am in general support of the creation of a framework to establish a state

insurance exchange because I believe it is important that New Mexico maintain

control over the design of a market-based exchange, instead of allowing the federal

government to define the process," said Martinez in her veto to the state


Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana went even further when he issued an executive order

last year to establish insurance exchanges. His state is getting $6.8 million from

HHS. Republicans control the Indiana State Legislature.

Where does Mitt Romney stand on exchanges?

Romney has repeatedly said he is "for repealing Obamacare on day one." But his

newly minted transition head, Mike Leavitt, has no problem with the concept of

state health insurance exchanges, according to Politico.

"We believe that the exchanges are the solution to the small business insurance

market and that's gotten us sideways with some conservatives," he said.

Massachusetts is one of two states that have state health insurance exchanges.

Romney is largely tied to the healthcare law that gave birth to those exchanges and

Leavitt, a former Utah Governor and former head of HHS under George W. Bush,

benefited financially when his firm received a contract to build Utah's exchange


If Romney is elected in November he will likely work with Congress to repeal and

replace the Obama health law with his own healthcare plan. On Romney's website

there is a healthcare page that mentions his plan to "Ensure flexibility to help the

uninsured, including public-private partnerships, exchanges, and subsidies."

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