Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I Prep to Thrive and You can Too!!! Join our community!!!

Hello community, I have been involved with many self help, financial improvement, personal development, program over many decades, and I can wholeheartedly say, that is one of the most important and practical programs, being offered with tremendous education and financial development value and at exceptionally low cost. Designed for those who are challenged daily to advance personally, financially, spiritually, and professionally!!!! It is with excitement I share this

📢 Announcement: Join Juniques MultiCultural Connections at


Membership is only $10 per year!!!!! Join us now!!!

Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Look no further! Juniques MultiCultural Connections invites you to join our team at iPrep2Thrive, led by Pamela Kelly, the visionary creator of the Century 5-10-10-75 program.

What is Century 5-10-10-75™?

Century 5-10-10-75™ is a bold, multi-generational campaign focused on preparedness, industry, and economic opportunity. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Financial Framework: The 5-10-10-75™ methodology provides a powerful approach to personal and business finance. Let’s break it down:

  • Reduce Spending: Cut unnecessary expenses by 25%.
  • Increase Savings: Boost your savings by 10%.
  • Invest in Community: Support kinship community enterprises.
  • Fortify Preparedness: Be ready for any situation.
  • Together We Prosper: Churn your resources together for mutual benefit.

  1. Why Now?: A recent survey revealed that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. For the African American community, the prediction is even more alarming: by 2053, average median wealth could be ZERO. We refuse to accept this fate!

  1. Our Mission: At iPrep2Thrive, we’re committed to reversing this trajectory. We empower individuals and communities through financial literacy, preparedness, and economic churn.

How Can You Get Involved?

  1. Visit Our Site: Explore the iPrep2Thrive platform at iPrep2Thrive.org. Learn about preparedness, build your #SHTF (Stuff Hits The Fan) cash stash, and consider precious metal assets.

  1. Join the Movement: Become a member and be part of the solution. Together, we’ll create lasting change.

  1. Churn List: Start creating your own “Churn List” by supporting community partners. Check out businesses like Totally Tamz Accessories & Gifts, Purple Chick’s Top 26 Preparedness Essentials, and more!

Membership is only $10 per year!!!!! Join us now!!!

At your service,

Rickey Johnson

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Communication Killers: Recognizing and Overcoming Common Pitfalls

Hello community, 

Let’s delve into the topic of communication pitfalls and how they can hinder effective interactions. 

I’ll focus on the specific behaviors:   criticizingcomparingcondemningcomplaining, and condescending.

Please be aware that effective communication is a skill that improves with practice. 

“Words have power; use them wisely.”

Communication Killers: Recognizing and Overcoming Common Pitfalls


Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships, whether in personal or professional settings. However, certain behaviors can act as barriers, hindering understanding and collaboration. We’ll explore five communication killers and strategies to overcome them.

1. Criticizing

The Pitfall: Criticism, when delivered harshly or without constructive intent, damages relationships. It erodes trust and discourages open dialogue.

Overcoming It:

  • Constructive Feedback: Replace criticism with constructive feedback. Focus on specific actions or behaviors rather than attacking the person.
  • Empathy: Understand the impact of your words. Consider how you’d feel if you were on the receiving end.
  • Solution-Oriented Approach: Offer solutions alongside feedback. Encourage growth and improvement.

2. Comparing

The Pitfall: Constantly comparing oneself or others to external standards can lead to resentment and defensiveness.

Overcoming It:

  • Individual Context: Recognize that everyone has unique circumstances. Avoid making unfair comparisons.
  • Celebrate Differences: Appreciate diversity and learn from others’ strengths.

3. Condemning

The Pitfall: Condemnation involves harsh judgment and labeling. It stifles open communication.

Overcoming It:

  • Seek Understanding: Instead of condemning, seek to understand the other person’s perspective.
  • Assume Positive Intent: Give people the benefit of the doubt. Assume they mean well unless proven otherwise.

4. Complaining

The Pitfall: Excessive complaining drains energy and creates a negative atmosphere.

Overcoming It:

  • Focus on Solutions: When faced with challenges, shift from complaining to problem-solving.
  • Gratitude Practice: Cultivate gratitude by acknowledging positive aspects.

5. Condescending

The Pitfall: Condescension belittles others and undermines their confidence.

Overcoming It:

  • Active Listening: Truly listen to others without interrupting or assuming superiority.
  • Respectful Tone: Use respectful language and avoid patronizing remarks.


By recognizing these communication killers and actively working to avoid them, we can foster healthier interactions. Let’s strive for empathy, openness, and understanding in our conversations.

Apply  these strategies in your daily interactions which can significantly improve communication. Let’s break down how you can incorporate them:

  1. Beating Self-Doubt:

    • Application: When receiving feedback, focus on specific actions rather than feeling personally attacked. Remind yourself of your strengths and growth potential.
    • Example: If someone criticizes your work, consider their points objectively and think about how you can improve.
  2. Comparing:

    • Application: Avoid comparing yourself to others. Instead, appreciate your unique journey and learn from diverse perspectives.
    • Example: Rather than feeling inadequate because someone else achieved more, celebrate their success and find inspiration.
  3. Seeking Understanding:

    • Application: Replace condemnation with curiosity. Ask questions to understand the other person’s viewpoint.
    • Example: Instead of saying, “You’re wrong,” ask, “Can you explain your perspective?”
  4. Problem-Solving Mindset:

    • Application: Shift from complaining to finding solutions. Focus on what you can change.
    • Example: Instead of complaining about a difficult task, brainstorm ways to tackle it effectively.
  5. Active Listening and Respectful Tone:

    • Application: Truly listen when others speak. Avoid interrupting or sounding condescending.
    • Example: Maintain eye contact, nod, and respond respectfully during conversations.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Start by consciously applying these strategies in everyday interactions. Over time, they’ll become second nature, leading to more positive and effective communication

Monday, June 17, 2024

Juniques shares 10 video course on embracing criticism


These courses can empower micro and small business consultants to embrace criticism as a catalyst for growth and success.  This is a teaching course to be shared.

Look at the suggestions presented for each course that you can 
share with your business contacts. 

If you need further assistance or have any specific points you'd like to elaborate on, feel free to ask! Contact Rickey at 623 455 6364

Welcome to our criticism course. We have created a comprehensive course on the benefits of criticism for micro and small business consultants. Let’s break down the course structure based on the topics  outlined:

  1. Beating Self-Doubt:

    • Explore strategies to overcome self-doubt, boost confidence, and maintain a positive mindset.
    • Encourage participants to recognize their strengths and embrace their abilities.
  2. Criticism and Language with Self-Care:

    • Discuss how language impacts our perception of criticism.
    • Teach self-care techniques to handle criticism constructively.
  3. Appreciating Criticism with Laughter:

    • Highlight the value of humor in dealing with criticism.
    • Share anecdotes and practical tips for finding joy even in challenging feedback.
  4. Eye-Opening Criticism to Avoid Fatigue:

    • Help participants view criticism as an opportunity for growth.
    • Address fatigue associated with negative feedback and provided coping mechanisms.
  5. Criticism and the 7 Pillars of Brain Health:

    • Connect criticism to cognitive well-being.
    • Explore how a healthy brain processes feedback effectively.
  6. Why You Need Criticism to Beat Aging:

    • Discuss the impact of lifelong learning and adaptability.
    • Show how embracing criticism contributes to personal development.
  7. Overly Positive Criticism for Wellness:

    • Balance positive reinforcement with constructive feedback.
    • Promote a holistic approach to well-being.
  8. Value of Positivity Change Through Criticism:

    • Explore how criticism can lead to positive change.
    • Encourage participants to view feedback as an opportunity rather than a setback.
  9. Listening Up: Boosting Heart Health with Criticism:

    • Discuss active listening skills in the context of receiving criticism.
    • Emphasize the connection between emotional health and effective communication.
  10. Understanding Underlying Factors: Relaxation, Not Burnout:

    • Address burnout prevention through self-awareness.
    • Teach participants to identify underlying factors contributing to stress and exhaustion

1 Beating Self-Doubt

2 Criticism and Language with Self-Care

3 Appreciating Criticism with Laughter

4 Eye-Opening Criticism to Avoid Fatigue

5 Criticism and the 7 Pillars of Brain Health

6 Why You Need Criticism to Beat Aging

7  Overly Positive Criticism for Wellness

8  Value of Positivity Change Through Criticism:

9  Listening Up: Boosting Heart Health with Criticism:

10 Understanding Underlying Factors: Relaxation, Not Burnout